#PINKOtakecare Chronicles: 5 HEALTH SCREENING
We offer our employees a complete health check-up once a year, which include blood tests and a cardiological screening.
The #PINKOtakecare project was born in 2018 with the aim of raising awareness among employees on the importance of prevention and well-being.
The annual medical check-up includes diagnostic services, blood tests and meetings with experts, in partnership with top healthcare centers in Italy. In 2021, together with the general examinations, #PINKO introduced the alimentary intolerance analysis, fundamental for psychophysical well-being.
Every year, in October, #PINKO provides all employees with a free medical screening session which includes breast ultrasound scans and, for women aged 40 and over, mammography as well. The initiative was carried out in collaboration with Medicalbox (web platform for booking diagnostic tests and specialist visits).
The choice of October as the “pink month” is not accidental. Indeed, October is the month dedicated to breast cancer prevention.
The breast examination session is aimed at making all women aware of the tools that are made available to monitor the health situation and, possibly, to identify a problem early and find a solution quickly. The activity is part of the larger #PINKOTAKECARE project and focuses on the importance of prevention as the best cure and remedy.
This initiative takes a short time a few days a year and the resulting benefits make it worthwhile.
In doing so the working environment contributes to a balance of professional, but also personal serenity and well-being.